Kali burpsuite cannot start, command terminal prompts aaaa, seek help

Issue: Command terminal input burpsuite, Java, prompt aaaa, unable to start
Work done:apt update、upgrade、remove、install、reinstall burpsuite
info:Linux kali 5.18 x86_64
Could you please guide me

Try Parrot OS. Just as good (maybe even better) as Kali. Comes with the usual tools as well.

I remember that burpsuite is pre-installed in kali linux, isn’t it? Just try clicking it.

This is pre-installed.
I haven’t used it for a while, but suddenly this problem occurs and I can’t open it

Try running apt-get update or try --fix-missing.

Thanks for reply. After trying these two commands, the problem still persists. Input burpsuite, output aaaa, unable to start.

update-alternatives --config java

then change your java version.

Thanks reply. new add annother kali,present is using new kali.