You can do it

Type your comment> @MAK said:

Submit the result in following way:-

Thanks because HTB says its HTB{plaintext} making me think lowercase.

I am 100% sure I have it but it is not accepting it somehow. I typed it with uppercase and still not working… should I include the symbol or without it? well I actually tried both ahhahaha it makes me go crazy.

Edit: It works! sorry :slight_smile:

I feel completely stupid not being able to solve this 10pt challenge …

I know it’s already sad that this is just a scramble problem, but how would I systematically come to this conclusion?
And after that, what would be a systematic way of solving a multi word anagram without natural language processing?

If anyone could PM me with an objective approach I would really appreciate it.

haha i was looking at my text and went , awww cmon, put it ALL together and boom we have a winner

Those comments above are (as usual) incredibly helpful. However, it still bit tricky for a non-native English speaker :slight_smile: Do not waste your time with various rotation scripts & tools, pick up pen and paper, write down the file name, then write the “code” under it , check if it not somehow similar … and start scrambling. You can do it :slight_smile: It might take you a while, but it is doable.

Ping me if you need hints :slight_smile:

It’s an old cipher and one of the most famous. Just google it, i solved it with google.

Type your comment> @cyb3rs4k1 said:

Think it like a basic interview logic pattern sequence question and you have 1 min time. Pen and paper is enough for this challenge.

Thanks… Better Hint ever!!!

think out of the box Mr.cesar !

Wasted almost hour using different online tools, then used pen and paper and solved it under one minute. You can do it with analog tools.

@fingeron said:

No tools are necessary. Once you understand the concept, it’s a matter of 5-6 lines of code to efficiently solve this challenge.

Sorry, what code? This confused me first. It is a matter of cracking_the_algorithm to solve this scrambling challenge. Once you know the algorithm, then you can of course write a code. But it’s such a short and simple task, you’d better just walk through and unscramble it manually on pen and paper or use a text editor. I used the vim editor, I placed each character in one line, making a file of 20 lines altogether. Then I figured out the algorithm after staring at the jumps…I could not believe it was so simple! :smiley:

I finally solved it. Firstly, I just opened the notepad and tried different patterns. Then, all I needed was this