
update: had a reverse shell going but didn’t realise (it was in another window!) and so i unwittingly ended the connection and now the exploit wont work! :slight_smile:

@KuroSaru said:
maybe ******* and zip are related. uuuudddduh how can that be? MAN if only there was a way to know how.

I get the relationship, I’m past that point or missing an element of that point. Without trying to give anything away, I have a *** (the non-cli kind) connection and get a blank screen.

Hi, I’m stuck with the .zip file. If anyone could give me a hint on what to do with it DM me.

@FeetBeets said:
Hi, I’m stuck with the .zip file. If anyone could give me a hint on what to do with it DM me.

Everything you need is in this thread ;)… Enumerate from inside and you will find your way.

can someone PM how to root this thing, i don’t have idea how to deal with that ******.zip

Is the grey screen a fault? Or am I not doing something right?

Please How do I copy the zip file to my local machine?

@Afolic said:
Please How do I copy the zip file to my local machine?

Find how a file can be copied remotely.

Rooted! I didn’t know I could connect that way :^)

I recommend everyone to review the thread of the forum. Your questions have already been answered before. All hints are here.

Finally got root after wasting far too much time on the zip file

Send me a PM if you need some help.

@GH05TCD said:
Is the grey screen a fault? Or am I not doing something right?

It’s expected depending on how you’re connecting. Fixable, just google a solution (there are other posts in this thread that discuss this in more detail than they should, just fyi)

@squadron68 said:
can someone PM how to root this thing, i don’t have idea how to deal with that ******.zip

As others have said, the information you need is in a man page

HAHA got it boiz! If you need any hints send me a pm maybe I can help.

I’ve got a hint, that would really help me - sometimes machine sees a difference between localhost and…
I’ve been struggling with this, even though I knew exactly what is wrong with the machine.

I’ve read almost all the comments, i have the secret i think i understand what i should do but still i can’t continue! If someone want to p.m so i can tell him what i’m doing without spoiling will be great!

rooted. this was a pain for me… this was a lot of hours googling… processes and tunneling are the keys. feel free to PM

sorta agree with the guy above, rooted as well, pretty straight forward but if you haven’t done something like this before it could get result in loads of googling, feel free to hmu anytime as well

can someone PM me regarding SSH private key for this box? I think I’m onto something but am missing something as well

My first server :D, two interesting days.
The comments are rights, just enumerate the services and understand how they works, then using the file.
I learned a lot.