
@p5yph3r said:
i am stuck, i got a *****.txt wordlist, reading the thread ik that there is a login page…any hint how to get that login page…i guess ik the default creds…

do not look for log in page. look for other login method.

@w31rd0 said:

@p5yph3r said:
i am stuck, i got a *****.txt wordlist, reading the thread ik that there is a login page…any hint how to get that login page…i guess ik the default creds…

do not look for log in page. look for other login method.

can you please try to elaborate other login methods, without spoiling ?

got the login page…!!!

This box is very unstable at the moment…

yeah …!! @SecThor
2 minutes earlier i was having a reverse shell on the box, i guess sm1 had reset the machine and I lost it…have to upload the shell again…!!!

For those struggling with login. Just try stupid things first.
Make sure you reset the box before and write down all combinations you have tried so far.

PE is a piece of cake.

Happy pwning!

in nibbleblog i can not wrote post if i dont make login? its have some way get login without bruitforce?

I found the login page and know the exploit. Please help on the credentials. I tried every “default” still cant get it. I even tried after reseting the box. Please help on the credentials

@d3m0nr007 the username and password both are already spoiled in this conversation thread.
read the entire thing and try to guess what it could it be…its as silly as it could be…!!!

How to get the login page? plz help

@p5yph3r Yeah. I got it. Thanks. Got user.txt. now trying for root. Looking for priv esc techniques.
@stevv I recommend you to look the nibbleblog github for the full dir list of /nibbleblog. You will find it there. and for credentials you dont have to go to anywhere. Its all there.

yeah i got the login page and logged in .
what to do after that?

please give some hint for PRIVESC , as many people said , i tried …also the his STUFF “m*****” does the same…i reconed we can moves that file to id(0) …but not able to execute it from there…
am I in the right direction ???

@p5yph3r said:
please give some hint for PRIVESC , as many people said , i tried …also the his STUFF “m*****” does the same…i reconed we can moves that file to id(0) …but not able to execute it from there…
am I in the right direction ???

Me too. Stuck at right there. Please help on privesc.

@d3m0nr007 lets try it together…

DM me

Got root!

DM me for any hint :slight_smile:

hi I new here and I have two days trying everything and I read all the advice that is easy but remember that when it is easy is that one more complicates someone can guide me to opt for the user and password !!!Help!!!

Spoiler Removed - Arrexel

When I got logged into the admin panel… First word came out of my word was…

Sometimes trying something easy is difficult. :stuck_out_tongue:

Feel free to PM me if you need help with this box