
@Yogri said:
can anyone help me? I’m stuck with the last part (I think).
I have the text file and the hash. But I stuck with the next step. I can’t find the text to decrypt…
Can anyone give me a hint?

I’m such an Idiot :'D just used the wrong decryption^^

Am I right in thinking there is some bruteforce involved ?

Alright so I’ve managed it however … there is some weirdness with this task and a different password for a different cipher … Got stuck down the rabbit hole with it for a while.

Has anyone had any … outgoings to a robert1 that gave false positives ?

■■■, 3 days… Thanks for the hint!
Once got “almost” there… you are, in fact, done :slight_smile:

Gotta say I was stumped on this one for a little bit… watched some youtube to fresh the basics and then I was almost there and figured out where the final key was… fun one!

hey guys, I’m new to HTB and also very new to steganography. I just now finished Widescreen like an hour ago. Can anyone help me with any ideas for decrypting this hackerman. I’m not asked the flag, just the correct direction would help.

Thanks in advance

im at almost… and now very stuck… would appreciate a PM

I also reached the almost (I think). Is the almost encrypted in any way? If so, how intuitive is it to decrypt it? A PM without the solution would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance

completed this challenge if need any help feel free to pm :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

This is a nice challenge for beginners. If you’re stuck, make sure that you examine the file closely. After you get the initial piece of information, you’ll find it to be rather intuitive.

can someone pm me? i think im in the almost and i feel so lost haha, i think i’m failing in the decrypt method, pls need some help :frowning:

People are being misleading telling that when you get almost you’re done, you are not! There are few more steps and few more tools 'till you get your flag. PM me for hints :slight_smile:

@NightHunter007 said:
i cannot even get the almost that you guys are talking about… please PM and teach me guys

Me too! Really new to this space. HELP PLEASE

@andrewh said:
If you have found the almost, then you literally are almost there!! It’s a steg challenge so go to your most obvious steg challenge app on kali and use what you have found!!


i got it, but i am confused how I almost got there? PM me if you know… just for knowledge.

I’m new and learning. can someone help me out?

@dextrocia said:
I feel like i didn’t get the flag the right way. Some of the other posts I feel give away a key piece of information that made the challenge easier to guess.

This 100%.

I was definitely able to use the wealth of hints in this thread to skip past the first step which I believe to involve a certain encoded/encrypted string.

I’m going to try and figure out what I missed but if someone sees this who solved it the ‘right’ way feel free to DM me to compare notes.

Wow, that one took longer than it should’ve. Although most of the posts have given the biggest hint about the first thing you find, the next step is using that information with the tools you have. PM me if you need further hints.

If you understand almost, the challenge almost done, because we already went that way in previous challenge.

Loved this challenge! Easy but not too easy, but almost too easy.