Celestial hint

@xtech said:

@s2233 said:
Waiting 5 minutes wouldn’t be so bad if the box could stay up for more than 5 minutes at a time…

yeah wait 5 min but how about someone changes your script to a reverse shell in these minutes, deleting your script and crashing the server :-1:

Hey @xtech I 100% agree with you. That is something I personally had not considered when designing the priv esc. It definitely makes things trickier in the free HTB environments. I can’t undo the damage in this case unfortunately, but I definitely have a solution to prevent a poor design choice like this should I use a similar technique for a challenge in the future.

I really appreciate you speaking up about that issue, it forced me to really think about the design of machines for HTB, and come up with a better way to implement something like that later on.