Official Debugging Interface Discussion

@Exci said:

@0xv1n said:
Solved but I have questions if someone can DM me - basically once you figure out how to open the data for viewing, my process involved switching through the different prs to ae the data then dumping them and using my cooking skills to do further processing on the outputs. Is there a way to determine which pr****l to use other than just trying them all? I tried looking for manuals that might hint as to which one to use but never came across anything.


Not sure what "pr*s" refers to, but you can use the challenge description to figure out what specific analyzer to use in the software to parse the data. From there you need to understand how to calculate the important variable (b re) - easy to google the methodology but the resulting value doesn’t come up among the main standard values.

Thanks, there’s actually a protocol that you can use that doesn’t require you to calculate anything, and instead it’s just an easy decode using the typical encodings we find in challenges.

I’m going to look into what you said though because it seems more along the lines of what was intended for the solution.