Official Love Discussion

Type your comment> @jps3 said:

I feel stupid for asking … but is there a forced limit on how much data will be transferred to the box from ours? I could only get a foothold if limited to under 300 bytes which precludes a real reverse shell as far as I can make it work. And from within that foothold cannot successfully transfer anything, say the nice recon script. Have had to do it methodically and manually via the simple foothold. Which seems to get removed periodically. The limit also precludes successfully transferring anything via either the same protocol or the old standby win file sharing one to use m-----c.exe. From others’ accounts it seems they breezed right through transferring typical foothold reverse shells, and so on. WTF?

I’m both laughing and crying right now. And feeling both stupid and (to much lesser degree) clever.

All of my issues with the box were due to connection to HTB VPN having been going through a privacy VPN at my router, which I do by default. I had not updated the firewall/routing exceptions in ages for the HTB VPNs. As soon as I did that and reconnected, all of the weird/oddball network limitations went away. Multiple /facepalms and /headdesks here for not thinking about that sooner.