A Total Noob

Hey broski, hit up the link in my sig.
Tons of us willing to help you grow and a place to ask questions anytime.


This field is crazy. It’s MASSSSSSSSIVE.
So much to learn and the more you learn the more you know you don’t know ■■■■!

It helps to have people to learn from for sure.

My best bit of advice is don’t try to run when you don’t know how to crawl. Pick a place and just start there. Stick with it. You’ll want to jump around learning all this new cool stuff but man just suck it up. Stick with it and get a really solid understanding then move to another.

Rinse and repeat this with topic after topic. Some cross over so when you know one the next one is easier to pick up.

This, isn’t a finish line kind of path, it’s a endless mountain so it’s not about the destination it’s about the trip.

Hit me up.