OSINT on people / privacy / stalking / anon accounts

Bro that’s some great answers, like SANS is selling OSINT right now like it’s bread and butter for any infosec pro has to be and expert but I was never feeling it, know me?

Yea I was digging through like here:

and all the solutions are like “use a burner phone” haha IDK where do I get a burner phone or SIM?? it’s not like in the States we need a valid ID for a SIM haha lol totally missed the point that guy lol I mean no hard feelings, right HAHA :slight_smile:

■■■ made it so far today got couple new email accounts and finally made it into facebook for the first time ever and then I was like, ok I’m gonna add some friends and Facebook was like “boom ya caught and locked and banned prove your ID where’s your phone??” haahaha I spent an hour for setting up the profile ■■■ this has become one pile of trash these days it’s not like 2004 know me?

And I was thinking, bro this stinks man stalking other people and one “pro” on youtube is like “never interact this is unprofessional” and the next youtube “pro” is like “yeah sure talk to the guys you’re stalkin” like ■■■!!!1 :smiley: