Tracking a phone with IMEI

@GHOSTanonymus said:

bro it doewsnt work and idk how to start new threat

What doesn’t work? It is hard to help without knowing more information.

Your netcat listener is working. Everything you have shown is that it is working. If it isn’t there could be a million other things wrong but it depends on why you think it isn’t working. I get that it can be awkward to know what to say, especially if English isn’t your first language, but we need to find a solution.

The best approach is to be clear with

  • what you are trying to do
  • what commands you are issuing
  • what errors you are getting or why you think it isn’t working

Although it is challenging to be more specific sometimes, saying “it isn’t working” provides nothing for people to help you. We could spend weeks going through all the things that could be causing something to not work.

If you want to create a new thread, on the main page have a look in the bottom right for something like this:

This allows you to create a New Discussion