Official Breadcrumbs Discussion

(this is my first Hard box, and I’m finding it a heckuva jump from Medium…!)

Can I request some help with the foothold, please? I’m using burp, and a well documented technique to read files I shouldn’t be able to read, but I’m struggling to identify the right file to read.

For example, I’ve read the contents of db.scriptinglanguage (which, I assume, means my technique is working?), but when I use that same technique to read the files in the scriptinglanguage folder itself, I don’t see the amount of “scripty stuff” in those files that I expected to see.

EDIT: well, this just embarrassing… thanks to @camk , I’ve now realised my initial recon of the box was lacking. Not sure how I managed to screw up that step, but lesson learned - “check your basics, Paddanada!”…