Official Sharp Discussion

Type your comment> @wardrive said:

@aimforthehead said:
Type your comment> @wardrive said:

Type your comment> @Ljugtomten said:

Type your comment> @wardrive said:

Anyone happen to know what kind of hashtype P…K…n.exe utilizes for password strings? Can’t seem to find much about it online.

Debug it :slight_smile:

I thought as much. lol. Before I go down this rabbit hole…is this the path I should take? I managed to find the method in a library file with my good friend, Françoise d’Aubigné. Not having ever done this before, I could see this taking a lot of time. Seeing some usernames in a certain file got my hopes up, but the good ol’ boys over at hashcat and google didn’t have much info on this particular software.

I’ll enumerate some more before diving into all of that mess.

UPDATE: It’s not that complicated. Think simpler.

So although I’m not using the same “Lady” you used, I’m using the dragon himself,
and also notice the so called “username” and it family name, and other bunch of stuff. could use a nudge here (or even PM me would be great too).

Reversing this particular application to decrypt the password is 100% not necessary. Step back, look at how the application saves user credentials. Have you looked at the demo version yet?

PM you.