feroxbuster - new forced browsing/directory busting tool


a quick answer to #2:

You can use the ferox-config.toml to specify a default set of extensions, if that’s your preference.


extensions = ["php", "html", "js"]

I understand it’s not exactly what you asked for, but it might be good enough for now.

Also, if you want different default extensions based on what you’re scanning, you can drop a config file in a directory and scan from there for it to take effect. ferox-config.toml docs


extensions = ["php", "html", "js"]

extensions = ["asp", "aspx"]

number 1 is a quick fix, I’ll add an issue today/tomorrow to track it.

I’m considering adding an issue that sets the open file limit on the user’s behalf if it’s too low.

number 3 would require some tinkering, but i’ll add it and see what it would take to accomplish.

Thanks for your feedback, i really appreciate it!