Exit TMUX with the 'close window' button

Type your comment> @LMAY75 said:

@PapyrusTheGuru said:
Type your comment> @LMAY75 said:

Type your comment> @PapyrusTheGuru said:

I close my Tmux sessions by doing: CTRL + B (Or A, depending on what your prefix is.) + : then type kill-session.

I haven’t really found an alternative to this, but if you do please tell me.

You can just type “exit”

Technically you’re right but also wrong, you see, when you type “exit” you just detach it, you don’t actually kill that session (to my knowledge) you can easily test this by starting a new tmux session, typing exit and then tmux ls

no it kills the session

Ah, sorry about that. I don’t have that much experience with tmux :confused: hopefully you’ll figure it out.