What is a tool to get all pages for a site from Google?

I believe the term you are looking for is ‘web scraping’: the automated process of retrieving data of whatever website (in this case google).
Just know that Google doesn’t like you doing that: it’s in fact against their policies… which is ironic for a service that makes a living on webscraping other sites, but there you go.

Anyway, that doesn’t mean you can’t crawl Google results, it just means that if you fire about 150 requests at a rate of about 2 per second, you will get temporary banned from Google.

Their suggested way of doing it, is paying for their api service.

On your original question and how to do it:
If you look for ‘python web scraping’, you’ll get a bunch of good and easy to follow guides.
There are also a multitude of tools that can scrape sites, from automation programs like ‘automation anywhere’ to dedicated software for web crawling. Google around, it’s a pretty common task with many solutions for it.

What tools to use:
It kinda depends on what you want to do with the results:
If you want full control over the results (with the drawback of being a lot of work): go with python, or whatever other language suits you.
If you want to get up and running fast and just have a file containing all results, you’re better off with ready made software… just a faster path to that goal.

Best of luck!