Dante Discussion

Type your comment> @BaddKharma said:

For whoever was assigned IP address in US Dante 1, you are an a** for stripping the entire wordpress site for your reverse shell. If you have to deface a customer product in your pentest you are doing it wrong. You could tuck that code away anywhere on the half a dozen other locations or pages, but nope. You chose to overwrite the main Web Page.

Just my $0.02… I think HTB is doing a bit of a disservice by advertising this lab as “beginner”. I think some folks without any experience go into it thinking it will be accessible material. I really enjoy engaging with people on the forums and helping someone who is stuck via DMs, but I have had a lot of people contact me asking me about every single step on the foothold box.

For those considering this lab, please know that you really need some experience. I would recommend doing all of the active Easy boxes on HTB first before jumping into this lab. If you are lost on the foothold box, there is a lot more challenging boxes in this lab. Look at the lab write-up and make sure you understand and have had some idea on how to tackle the areas they describe.

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