Grandpa - Reverseshell in metasploit not working despite writeups

Type your comment> @sparkla said:

Type your comment> @LMAY75 said:

MSF is very hit or miss. I’d suggest trying the manual version of the exploit and seeing if that works.

When I started I felt the same. But after a while I found MSF is way more reliable and easier than this code-surprise that drops out of exploitdb. More often than not you can get MSF working while the manual way needs 1h of code digging or doesn’t work at all. I even started adding my own exploits. MSF is a go-to tool and with great conveinence options like brute forcing or post-exploitation. Rapid7 guys made a pure genius toolkit there and standardisation is needed in sec.

There is a difference between taking code from exploitdb and doing a manual exploit. Manually involves going through each step by hand or custom writing the code yourself. Msf is prone to weird glitches here and there so i always try it, but often come up disappointed. You are absolutely right that exploitdb has some god awful code tho ■■■■.