Official Feline Discussion

Rooted but with some sense of guilt.
I want to be totally onest: while googling i casually dropped into a spoiler and when i was completely lost for the root path i took some “inspiration” from it.

Foothold/user: here i had a pretty clear picture of the process, but i could not find the right “tooling”. Got a nudge (thx @ricepancakes) to get to user, then i went there…

root: That’s when i fell into temptation. I was struggling to find a possible path.
Yeah, i saw a lot of things using a common enum script, but i totally missed the point about getting deeper. there i started googling a little bit “too hard” and i fell into the spoiler…i did not took it as a whole. i took just a hint and i tried to get back to my blocking point to see if i could ever be able to spot the way. There i have felt dumb, because the thing to look at was plainly in front of me and i didn’t noticed.

I kinda feel to have cheated for this, thus i am not really satisfied. I spent an hour and a half thinking if it was right or not to submit the root hash… ?