Take hints or not?

No shame on take hints, I can tell you how I usually think when I’m stuck:

if you think the topic covered in the challenge is not of your interest, well then don’t waste your time, move on.
The purpose here is not to actually capture the flag.

Have confidence in yourself!
You do not even imagine how many times the first intuition is the right one, but you are worried because you think it could be a wasting time and you abandon it.

Never give up!
The leitmotiv is as usual ‘try harder’.

If you are still not able to see the horizon line,
take a little break, put your head in otherthing,
You might be amazed at how things and points of view can change by doing it all over again with a fresher mind.

Still not able to figured out the solution?
Checks for nudges, take a look at what has already been said, search engines could be usefull to integrate for topics you don’t master at all.
This is usually enough to solve the challenge. (at least 90% of the time)

If you think you’ve tried everything
Ok, this is the right moment to ask for hints, how?
The last thing that you want is to have your flag handed on a silver platter.
Share your reasoning, the attempts you have made, your strategy, and after ask to be pointed in the right direction. Sharing, sharing and once again sharing, our job is based on collaboration, this is essential, I will never get tired of saying it.
And trust me, be wary of those who tell you that they made themselves without needing help, he’s lying to you and he’s lying to himself… ‘Omniscent’ is just a level of fantasy… Nobody really is.

You finally made it.
Now is the time fo review, ask yourself if you could have done it yourself, if you were lazy and preferred the shortcut. be honest with yourself.
If yes, then tries to manage the challenge by redoing it in an alternative way. (there is always one)

Study and deepen what you have learned.
This is the real reason why you are here.

Have fun!

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