ZIP Password crack

Hey there,

hashcat --help | grep -i zip

11600 | 7-Zip
17200 | PKZIP (Compressed)
17220 | PKZIP (Compressed Multi-File)
17225 | PKZIP (Mixed Multi-File)
17230 | PKZIP (Mixed Multi-File Checksum-Only)
17210 | PKZIP (Uncompressed)
20500 | PKZIP Master Key
20510 | PKZIP Master Key (6 byte optimization)
23001 | SecureZIP AES-128
23002 | SecureZIP AES-192
23003 | SecureZIP AES-256
13600 | WinZip

The number are the different modules that you can use.
So if the ZIP file is a WinZip then your hashcat command would be something like this:
hashcat -m 13600 “” /path/to/your/dictionary/file

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