Official Blunder Discussion

Type your comment> @Parker said:

Type your comment> @gluonsrgreat said:

Got Root.

The foothold for this box was just kinda stupid. Maybe its just me and my general distaste for CTFy machines but after I got the initial foothold I was pretty disappointed. the “first part” is fine. However the way to get the "second part " for the initial exploit seemed more of a way to slow down the progress of rooting the box rather than trying to give an example of or teach anyone a concept. Maybe I’m being too harsh about it but It just seemed kinda uninspired on the creators part.

That all being said I actually did like this box after the foothold, user gave you a potential dead end and made you look somewhere else, which I personally like to see. Root took me 2 minutes, but its an easy box so I have no complaints. If it were not for the foothold.
this box would be great for someone who was just learning, because of the general enum concepts.

foothold bad, rest of box good

there are plenty of hints on the forum, but if you need additional help, send me a pm with what you tried so far and I will do my best to help.

props to @gotroot for the foothold nudge

i think the initial foothold was quite good. there is a section of the OSCP that teaches you those exact steps and i enjoyed that it was finally in a HTB machine to do the same.
the next user part took me the longest to find but once i found it the rest was easy.

Knowing this, it makes a ton more sense why this was the way in, and I was definitely wrong when I said the foothold was uninspired. I still don’t like the foothold by any means, but I now understand why its there.