Official Omni Discussion

Type your comment> @cmoon said:

Type your comment> @OxO said:

Type your comment> @cmoon said:

Stuck on priv esc after getting a reverse shell. From what I understand I need to become the user instead of system so I can use import-clixml without getting the crypto warning. I did see an old password in hardening.txt but it didn’t work for admin. Any help would be appreciated

What’s the crypto warning say? Are you trying to access a file you dont have permission to? import-clixml works great for the logged in user.

I have access to read the file just fine. Both user.txt and admin.xml. When I try that xml file with $cred = import-clixml .\admin.xml I get “Import-CLIXML: Error occurred during a cryptographic operation” I’m pretty sure that’s because I need to be the user that created the file using export-clixml to export the get-credential object.

I know I could just use net user to change passwords then I can easily spawn powershell as that user, but I know there’s another intended method

I’m in the same exact position. Have you been able to solve this?