Starting Point - Shield

Thanks for the tip. I’ll try to explain how I solved in my case and hopefully, you’ll be able to spawn the meterpreter shell.

I started msfconsole as sudo, then, after typing in the exploit necessities, I added the above command from @astrocat .
When I ran the exploit, it still gave me the error, but that is when I realized that from the line “[*] Started reverse TCP handler on 10.10.14.xx (the htb ip):4444”, Metasploit was sending the signal back to port 4444, which I didn’t personally allow yet from the firewall (which was enabled).
I quickly added a rule to my firewall to allow from proto tcp to any port 4444, and when I constructed the shell again, it worked!!!
So, when @anggabvmv meant by “check firewall”, I believe he meant us to create a door for the signal to come through. Hope this helps.