
Works really nice man. It chews up long commands just fine. Great work!

I haven’t really looked into the sourcecode too deep, but you may have a quick answer to it:
There are two things I’m wondering about. Here’s two usecases, just type the commands in the shell:

** 2> /dev/null **

find / -iname whatever 2> /dev/null

Note the ‘2> /dev/null’ got lost along the way. Which makes using a find function a bit harder, having to pipe it into grep

** small ease of use **

I guess it would be handy if a key is pressed, the cursor/output goes to the inputbox, not the output screen.

small odd thing, but doesn’t matter too much, it’s just a bit unexpected:
echo $test

Note it doesn’t output anything. You have any idea why that wouldn’t work?

Anyway, these are not intended as feature requests, unless you see value in them yourself. I might add them myself one day if you’d rather not.

The shell is really helpful as it is. Thank you for the work and for sharing it with us.