Official Buff Discussion

Type your comment> @lovesay said:

Type your comment> @Phrenesis2k said:

Invoke-WebRequest should work. Try a full path in the -outfile

That was it so it seems. Thank you so much. The issue now is some kind of lag that causes the file not to be downloaded. It shows the file in the remote machines directory but with size 0. I assume this is a network issue.

Update: Running a personal VPN on top of OpenVPN seems to cause some issues.

I agree, I had to connect to the htb OpenVPN first which defeats the purpose of a personal VPN. I think it has to do with the name of the interface because I could connect to my personal VPN after I connected to the htb vpn. I haven’t had a chance to check the .ovpn to check. The problem, your public IP might not be hidden if you have to connect to the htb first. I think the admins of this site do the best they can to make sure you are not exposed but nothing is 100% secure, EVER. Sorry prob the wrong place to have this discussion.