Official Tabby Discussion

Rooted! the beginning was the worst as everyone said. My L** method was working, producing results but not what i was looking for. Thanks to @Nlytn for the push towards the correct directory.


-either lookup the package and try what you see, or install and look at where everything gets placed. I tried to download and just poke around… This is NOT enough. You have to pick one.

-afterwards read up on what you can do with the setup you found. it’s pretty straight forward (most have an idea i’m guessing by now).

-create what you need, and send it on up. if you fail google around for other ways to perform this action. there are a few. feedback will indicate the way forward.

-the path can be found with the fox and the text. if you have trouble with one, try the other. for me, the box was a little buggy ( on VIP server ). sometimes attempts were correct i just needed to send again. I’d get a failure but be sure i was on the right track, one or two more tries and success. maybe just me but keep that in mind.


-basic enum will produce normal targets, following these targets will produce interesting files, ah but if you have a very bad shell…how do you get the…to the…there’s ways. look at what’s available and google how they can transfer important things. Again buggyness caused every 3 commands to hang for about a minute. Maybe just me but if not, hang in there. it will work.

-once you get the thing to the place, investigate. Something in your way? well we are hackers! what do we normally do in this situation.

-cool, not cool. now what? didn’t someone say admins are lazy? hhhmmm…


-again enumerate. what can you do, where can you go, what’s available? do some research on your new found tools/powers. anything interesting when you search? give it a shot!

-the entire time this box was buggy for me, hopefully not anyone else. if it is, hang in there. it will finish. throw a simple command in queue to execute like ‘ls’ so you know when it’s your turn again.

-got it to work? well, take it for a spin. how’s it feel on you? comfortable? rootable? yea that rootable smell we all know and love :slight_smile:

If this was too spoiler-y please let me know. i’ll fix it. I figured all these things have been said already and i just added my experience with it. Hope it helps. pm for nudges. Thank you to the box creator @egre55. This one was a lot of fun once @Nlytn pull me out of the mud. haha.