Official Fuse Discussion

Those who are struggle with compiling the eo * *lo**er, you can find the compiled version on Github (x64 and x86 version). I’m still fighting for root so I’m not sure if it would work.

Update: the precompiled version didn’t work for me. Compile that cpp yourself it will be the best option. Take care of the target architecture, because I’ve lost a couple of hours to find out why my shell didn’t show any output when I ran it.

This machine was a nice learning path. The initial foothold was a pain in the ■■■, but the main cause was that I didn’t filter the output. Lessons learned. The further enumeration was a bit CTF-ish for me, especially the enum command which didn’t work as intended; so instead of hostnames use IP address when enumerating.

Root was a nice learning path, you can find every info using Google and GitHub. There are a number of blogs which describes the attack vector. You don’t need any coding skills (I don’t have either), just one little tweak. Thanks @SanderZ31 , @metuldann and @VbScrub for helping me on my way :slight_smile: