Official Tabby Discussion

Type your comment> @holeymoley said:

Type your comment> @p3r14n3gr4 said:

Type your comment> @holeymoley said:

Type your comment> @p3r14n3gr4 said:

I have the credentials. How can I login to the mr? Or, how can I jump from the ht-Mr to the M***r?

You don’t need to jump higher, current user can do it. Check the vendors docs as to what you can do with the powers of the ‘role’ you have. A bit of curley-wurley later, then to a txt mode will get you off to war soon enough…

Trying that, but “401 Unauthorized” always

try to enclose your pwd in single quotes in your command - there are a few characters in it that might be expanded otherwise… also double and treble check the path in the address you call, it should be to m*****r not ****-******r

I gave you respect