Enumeration of File Permissions/User ID's

@BugsBunny said:

Hi Taz,

I just wanted to say thank for such a thorough responses to my questions, it really makes the learning process so much easier when I know how to direct my efforts.

Always glad to help if I can.

I appreciate a lot of the time the answer is “it depends” but hearing how it depends is really useful for someone who doesn’t have the confidence to de-scope/focus on certain bits of information :slight_smile:

You’ve hit a good point here. The nightmare for everyone is knowing when something should work and when it shouldn’t. Sadly CTFs (with a tendency to put rabbit holes in) don’t always help here.

A very good example is how you tell the difference between a fuzz string which should work but isn’t producing any results, which means its the wrong approach and a fuzz string which is broken and it isn’t working even though there is something to find.

There isn’t a good answer to this.

It is one of the reasons why OSCP (or timed CTFs like SANS NetWars) is challenging, because you have to be confident your commands are correct.

The simplest answer is that it really does come with practice. Over time you learn when it is a good idea to fuzz for txt, php and pdf extensions vs just txt and php extensions.