Official Tabby Discussion

Type your comment> @initinfosec said:

@sloth1985 said:
Well, like a lot of other people on here I’m having trouble finding a certain file for the initial foothold. I’ve tried installing t****t locally as a few people have suggested and the file I am looking for is where it should be (two places in fact) but using the same path(s) on Tabby gives me nothing.

I’m a little bit stuck now.

yep, same thing man, tried fuzzing too, no love, but may be slightly off on syntax. Finding the initial vuln and knowing what i need to look for only took 30mins, but after that…nothing. Looked in several system files that indicate where stuff usually ‘lands’ but no love when trying them.

I think the people that say it is right in front of you are a little off the mark. Yes it is on the path of one of the locations you should find fairly easily, but if you guess it you made one ■■■■ of a leap. There is a much much easier way to find the exact path with zero guessing. Think of different ways you might search for something installed on your workstation. Now think of what files it uses and access those