
Rooted! This box was delicately crafted to annoy the ■■■■ out of you. I’m very grateful though because I learned a lot!

‘FOOTHOLD’: The site is pretty but useless! I had to hear that soundtrack 5 times before I figured out I was being trolled. Other than that, Eternal fuzzing… really! the only way you wont die before you finish that big ■■■ list of text is if you Fuzz Faster U Fool !! After you find that censoring robot guy just remember you are looking for CONTENT (aka files, not directories.
‘USER’: was interesting but mainly because I had to reinstall mysql (mariadb) on my debian box. Once you have the basic info about the remote service, you will even find a demo on the web of how to get juicy stuff. Now that you feel the power, think of the files you found before and which one might have the creds you need. Go get it… then see what you can do with it.
‘ROOT’: Check what you can do with your current user. Then once you find the stuff try to figure out how to Import your instructions there. this was very new to me! loved it.