

Initial foothold is tricky, root is really very easy.
I struggled a lot because i did not clearly read output of commands.

Thanks to @Dark0 for initial foothold. Thanks to @Str4thus and @gonzaloFSF for hints towards root.

My hints:
Initial foothold:

  1. What has author created apart from cache ? It can be accessed.
  2. There are bunch of vulnerabilities. You need to use multiple vulnerabilities to get initial foothold. Identify which works. There is a video which explains how to do it.

User 1:

  1. You found something in foothold, its not useless. Flip the SWITCH !!

User 2:

  1. Check what services are running on machine. Found something related to machine name ?
  2. Good article to help you exploit it


  1. What permissions User 2 has
  2. GTFO

PM me if you need a hint

I would like to know the method of initial foothold without hampering the machine. Could anyone enlighten me ?