
Type your comment> @g3ph4z said:

Type your comment> @Dzsanosz said:

When Iā€™m trying to add a new user with E***** W******* P****** group (with N**-A***** command), my e**-w**** shell is fozen out. Please help me

edit: I managed to creat a new user with proper permissions, but cannot log in with e***-w****. Why? :confused:

Beacuse your new user also needs to be member of S**** A****** group.

When I try to add it to that group as well, the shell throws an error:
Insufficient access rights to perform the operation
At line:1 char:1

  • Add-ADGroupMember ā€œS****** A*******ā€ pimposkefir
  •   + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (Service Accounts:ADGroup) [Add-ADGroupMember], ADException
      + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ActiveDirectoryServer:8344,Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Commands.AddADGroupMember