
Type your comment> @darvidor said:

Type your comment> @Cli3nt said:

Type your comment> @Mouuzartt said:

Type your comment> @sniperhack said:

USER: completed.
ROOT: found the exe file, but not sure on how to use it, since I have not a shell on the machine (I took user flag through smbclient…)
furthermore, I have not found the high port, even after nmap/masscan… any hint?

how did u make that with smbclient. I already found some credentials on the Template, but idk where to use those credentials, can u help me out

What about, you connect to open ports with these credentials.

smbclient \\\share -u

I think it works. replace for the target ip and for user you found.

Actually its capital -U
smbclient \\\\{ip}\\share -U {user}