

I would rate this box as medium.

I would definitely recommend using a Windows VM for certain steps.

@squirrelpizza said:

I’m lost as how to use the vbscript to decrypt the password. I’ve tried pasting the entire script into notepad++ and executing with the cscript command on the windows command line. I’ve tried executing it from Visual Studio and online compilers but they return error messages. I’ve tried just using the decryption part and pasting in the encrypted password, and puting the password into the RU_Config.xml file as indicated in the script. Does anyone have a nudge as how to make the script run?

You can use MSBuild, part of Visual Studio, to compile a project.

I couldn’t figure how to compile directly in Visual Studio to be honest.

@ChurchBiscuit said:
I’ve been trying all the files possible, even using a windows virtual machine to try and figure out how to get these 0 byte files? I assumed they were str**** but copying these over doesn’t seem to do much. Sorry if this is tmi. Just absolutely stuck here.

I think you aren’t yet in the step that requires access to such file.

You don’t need to guess or check every file, since it’s only one available.