"Blue team" certifications

@TazWake - the problem is my work history although very technical doesn’t cover CISSP requirements, although I could maybe argue 2 or 3 years of it across a couple of the areas just about.

CISSP associate I could go for but it is often CISSP or CEH on the CV sifts (i’d maybe hit the CISSP keyword haha), some of this is ticking the box for a CV sift, some is getting something out of it technically (I think I’d pass CEH without needing content, it seems a waste of money and I know I wont pass their ‘screening’ to just take the test).

I am not specifically looking for a defense type role, but want to show I can do both sides of the coin, red and blue team roles ask for CEH.

Glad I’m not the only one seeing how ridiculous the UK market is right now, I can imagine some companies do it to say “we have this certification” but i wonder how much is just useless recruiters.