Windows machines, how to deal with them?

@notforsale said:
ikr? for the little i made, i can def relate on this!

When using linux you’re spending as much time fighting the toolset as on the machine.

Like realizing that smbclient by default will not use anything but smbv1, even though it supports v2 and v3, when you could just have done net use \\bananaboat\c$? :slight_smile: Or tearing your hair out when you have popped SYSTEM but still are unable to enter the folder you want to be in, as it happens to be a hard-link and you’re browsing remotely over SMB? :smiley:

War stories, a few of the ones I tell our trainees when they ask why I don’t use linux as my primary platform… I’m still using linux quite a bit for things it does better, but that is not privilege escalation in an MS environment. As soon as I feel I have the time to move all my stuff over I will probably switch my full-system VMs to WSL2, because having access to both worlds in one package == win!