
Type your comment> @nobodyatall said:

Type your comment> @dog9w23 said:

Type your comment> @nobodyatall said:

idk am i on the right track for root or not. used pro****p to dump the 5 f*****x memory process using -mm. then use strings to convert the dump to string file and check each file for credentials.

And anyone know what’s the username login format for the l***n.php. i’ve tried @supportdesk
by changing the type to text

with the password i used to login for my e**l. but keep on prompting me credential error.

You get the login email and password handed to you if you read through carefully. You did the right thing with the f*****x, just look through it now. Also why do you even care if you can login to the webpage, you have the admin password, just SSH in and grab your flag

i’ve gone through all the 5 dump file, still cant get the credential. that’s weird wandering which part i did wrongly

Use -ma instead -mm. Later one is not sufficient.