[CRYPTO] Walzer

Yeah, I don’t know man, but I share the same opinion as my friends @R4J @sampriti @xct . How this challenge got accepted is beyond me and I’m really pissed off at whoever tested this challenge. We shouldn’t be mad at the creator, he tried to teach us something. He made a mistake and owned it. But who the ■■■■ tested this ■■■■ and thought like “oh yea, this is fucking good, lets smash 40pts on top of it”. Well guess what. It’s fucking easy if it’s fucking solved with a guide. To all the testers, please at least try the challenges without guide. You guys aren’t perfect, we know that. But don’t ■■■■ us over like this.

PS: I have a cool crypto challenge for you guys. Guess the number from 1-1337. Send me a DM with your guess. First blood receives a star sticker that says “master at guessing”.

UPDATE: I’m getting a lot of messages of people asking for hints. Here you go: The number is between 1 and 1337.

UPDATE 2: I’m getting a lot of messages whether 1 and 1337 are included. No, they are not.

UPDATE 3: Here’s a hint. Reverse the following piece of code and you will get the flag.

import random
print("HTB{%i}" % random.randint(2, 1337))