
Type your comment> @falqon said:

Type your comment> @virtualgoth said:

This is confusing, I get the CVE code needs “fixed” based on the comments, but as best I can tell, from walking through it with burp or just manually typing everything in the GUI, the script is fine, it’s a server side setting that’s preventing the payload, which can be replicated by just copying and pasting the payload in the GUI, you get the same error (based on the characters). Unless I’m missing something. I don’t see how you would script something 10x better, it’s just posting the same data you could enter in manually. I can’t figure out how to get anything to just work, even something simple like ping, which makes troubleshooting difficult.

What I don’t get, is how you kick it off if you use the GUI. I get the post to that special page in the CVE script, but I can’t find that in the GUI.

maybe try encoding…i hope thats not a spoil?