OSCP Exam review "2019" + Notes & Gift inside!

@sultanrahi said:
Type your comment> @21y4d said:

 > @sultanrahi said:
 > It will be great if you can create a bit detailed tutorial for nmapAutomator. I am sure I am missing something as I cannot seem to understand what additional this script does other than running run nmap. Sorry for my ignorance in advance but any help will be highly appreciated.

 There are different types of scans, and running it with ALL runs all scans.
 The benefit is that it automates everything, including finding all possible ports and services and running recon on them, and finally finding potential vulnerabilities on them.

 This is very beneficial when you run it in the background and go work on another machine, such that when you come back to it you'll have all of the information ready for you, all fully automatically without needing any interaction from you.

I think for novices like me, it will be more beneficial if you can add any examples outputs for various input parameters. Like the ones provided in the AutoRecon tool
GitHub - Tib3rius/AutoRecon: AutoRecon is a multi-threaded network reconnaissance tool which performs automated enumeration of services.

I’ve made the script stupid simple to use, so anyone can easily use it. It has only 7 modes “I.e. Basic, Recon, All”, all of which can be seen with -h.

If you’re not sure what to use, just run it with “./nmapAutomator xx.xx.xx.xx All” and you’ll get everything.

I hope I could help :slight_smile: