A Script Kiddie’s guide to Passing OSCP on your first attempt.

Type your comment> @rowra said:

And thank you a lot for your post. I set my mind to get OSCP and OSCE too, both without any due dates. Thing is I’m a weird ■■■ borderliner. I feel extremely anxious right up until the point I feel omnipotent.
Reading your experiences makes me feel a little eased, like in the near future I could possibly start the course, at least.

Thank you again. It was really nice reading another point of view, not the zomgg so d1fficUlT u g0tta be 1337est evr and like you gotta write the new 0day kernel exploit brah

You’ll keep going towards OSCE too?

Stay calm and collected, at the end of the day its just another exam which you have done most of your life at school.

I’m going to hopefully start AWAE soon!