Obtaining a Fully Interactive Shell

I have a curious problem with this kind of shell. I’m working with the Kali KDE distribution with the standard Konsole terminal and /bin/bash/.

I start a reverse shell from another machine.

On my attacking machine I have netcat listening:
nc -l -v -p 80

I get the connection on my host:
listening on [any] 80 …
connect to [] from craft.htb [] 40575
/bin/sh: can’t access tty; job control turned off
/opt/app #

I do my routine to elevate the shell:
python -c ‘import pty; pty.spawn(“/bin/bash”)’
stty raw -echo

I have a fully functional shell BUT I can’t close it. I’ll always have to kill the process. I use exit to leave the shell and end up in a window where I can’t enter any commands. At first I thought that it is a problem with zsh (stty raw -echo; fg kind of) but it is the same in /bin/bash and in Xterm instead of Konsole.

Any Ideas what could go wrong here?

On a side note, what if I don’t have an /bin/bash on the remote machine? Is it possible to get an fully interactive shell?