
Type your comment> @darktheli said:

@darktheli said:
Type your comment> @darktheli said:

I got the token but I got stuck here, playing around with Postman but luck, any pointer? > @cptUP said:

the biggest difficulty on this box is to get the auth token…
getting user and root after that step is a joke…
thanks to all the bros that helped me!!!

I am having some fun with DirBuster, please do not give me any pointer :slight_smile:

I am glad, I did not give up. Finally, I pwned this box!

I am noob here and doing this (2 weeks maybe) so never used postman and dirbuster. They helped a lot. Also read a lot about JWT token-based authentication. I learned a bunch with this second box I pwned. Thanks everyone!

Good job Bro…