how to be like ippsec

Type your comment> @Xentropy said:

Idk, it just all seems like it comes down to practice for me. The more boxes I do the easier the harder ones get. When I started on this place over a year ago it took me almost a week to do a medium box, now I could compete for first-bloods on them if I cared to stay up during the weekend nights to work on them.

Of course, you also need solid theoretical foundations so you gotta read and study things like networking, kernels, windows internals, etc, but that should come on its own if you’re curious and persistent.

This is inspiring. I’m at the point where it takes me a week to do a medium box, 45 days on here and I’ve only got 5 flags. Maybe if I can keep obsessing as hard as I have been for the past month and a half I can relate to your statements even more.