Note keeping tool

Type your comment> @shifty0g said:

keepnote / Cherrytree - this is good for CTF/challenges… self contained

Microsoft One Note - I use this for a general scrapbook/wiki off stuff like cheatsheet guides. quick simple to slap stuff in

Notepad++ - cant go wrong with text files and a good folder structure and named screenshots. i typically use this for pentests. others like dradius, canvas, dart, serpico are ok but i feel over complicate things… looks good and i want to try the self hosted version could be good.

I am still waiting for the selfhosted version also. They are also in the works to get a shared encounter going also for a team type attack. They will hopefully soon be everything that I need. I just wish the did Inline Code Snippets instead of just Block Code, and have the ability to add screenshots to the hosts notes and not just in the report section.