Friendzone - HackTheBox

I am about to lose it over dns enum. could somebody please PM me and tell me how to properly edit hosts?

Edit 1: got it, time to confront LFI

Edit 2: Rooted

Tips -

Initial foothold: enum 53 like ■■■■. Ippsec bank really is the way to go. dont forget different web protocols…

User: to get to RCE you need to enum 443. once you get to the fabled HaHa you need to really understand what the script does. the vulnerable param might surprise you. find your uploads through nmap scripts.

Privesc: to escape w******a you need to look nearby. For root, check what unusual files you have access to and go with your gut. As has been said several times, pspy is awesome.

thanks to @askar for the awesome box, and @KaiserPhoenix for the help with DNS