
Tips for Hackers:

If you do a good job enumerating this box with the access it provides, you will find the user.txt

While fairly simple in concept, if you aren’t careful with your tooling and creative thinking you will run into a number of problems. Here are a few hints that would have saved me hours…

  1. Ensure your method of browsing the file system can see hidden files. This is important otherwise you will miss what you need to get into that admin portal
  2. I had trouble figuring out what the hints about “think like a user” and “time is important/what year is it?” meant - if you end up ripping your hair out trying to get into that admin portal - ponder these at length - FYI
  3. Remember that DDoS isn’t allowed on HTB so keep this in mind when searching for the right CVE to use
  4. Think about what the CVE gave you - go back to your original enum to figure out where to use it

Good Luck!